Friday, July 22, 2011

Buyers beware

Allow me to continue from last post.

So why are car salespeople called "scum on the earth"?
Let's see what some people do....

selling used cars at double its buy-in value
hiding people's trade-in keys
selling rebuilt cars
up-selling EXPENSIVE services
etc. etc. etc.

So how does one avoid being chewed off and become a generous contributor to some guy's big fat, undeserving commission?

Answer is knowledge.

Going into a car dealership uninformed is like walking into a construction zone without a helmet. You may meet a nice and sincere guy and have a pleasant experience and there will be flowers and candies and angels dancing around and you live happily after. You can also get hit by a falling brick and start hemorrhaging (hemorrhaging money from your wallet in this case).

Here are some tips to help you and your wallet stay alive when you're buying a new car:

1. Know the market
How much you are willing to pay/can afford has NOTHING to do with how much the car should be sold for. Basing the price on your financial situation results in one of two scenarios: wasting your time or over paying.
Do some research online, ask some friends.

2. Find a trustworthy salesperson
Prepare some technical questions that you already know the answers to, and see if your guy is honest and professional.

3. Be honest
A trusting relationship is like a tennis game, it takes two people to participate.
If you're shopping for price, say so.
Many people are willing to give you a good deal when you are realistic and honest.

4. Don't be greedy
Ask for what is appropriate. Asking for the world prevents people from taking you seriously, and you'd end up wasting your time going from dealer to dealer.

That's it for today I guess.
Hope this helps you in some way.

Monday, July 18, 2011

First Post

First Post!!
This space is meant to be a small world for me to do a bit of thinking out loud, a tiny bit of soul searching, and maybe give out a useful tip or two.

Car salesmen, along with politicians, have been rated the most untrusted professionals. (I searched car sales and untrusted, and "scum of the Earch" showed up T_T).

This is precisely why I have decided to start my blog with a very real picture of me depicting a very real moment in my real life.
Did I mention it's real?